What is an Internship?

An internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to a student’s field of study or career interest. An internship gives a student the opportunity for career exploration and development, and to learn new skills. It offers the employer the opportunity to bring new ideas and energy into the workplace, develop talent and potentially build a pipeline for future full-time employees.


An Internship program is entire different from a job; all of our international interns are looking for “hands on” work experience in the real world aligned to their academic studies. The internship program is structured on the intern’s objectives and what they’d like to achieve out of the program.  An internship is a missing link between academic studies and work experience.  A professional internship program is unpaid as the main aim is for the intern to achieve their objectives.


The Internship Program is unique as its primary emphasis is on finding and matching the candidate and the host organization with the best possible technical internship placement. Based on their expertise and experience, we can offer applicants from many educational backgrounds good internships.


The corporate world is increasingly being transformed into a multinational industry by developments in the international marketplace. With greater diversity in our workplace, we are continually challenged.


We understand the significance of a skilled and educated workforce at First Job Australia that is well equipped for the evolving global economy.


Hundreds of Australian and multinational enterprises have been enabled to achieve a competitive edge in the industry through our international interns.


Why not accept one of our international students if you have internship opportunities and are searching for ambitious young professionals?


  • Our interns are dedicated to internationalising their careers and obtaining valuable knowledge that is directly linked to their studies and necessary for success in the global market of today.
  • Present undergraduates, post-graduate students or new graduates are all interns.
  • We take the time to ensure that each intern’s skill set and objectives are well-matched with the Host Organisation.
  • Both interns are self-insured by personal liability; they are issued with copies of their insurance documents before starting.
  • All terms and conditions for the internship and related training are specified and agreed upon by all parties in a contract. No uncertainties or misunderstandings!
  • Many of our interns have been honoured and receive financial support from either their universities or government bodies for their accomplishments.

All interns are proficient in English with many speaking 2 or 3 languages fluently.


Fair Work Australia’s Guidelines for Unpaid Work Experience & Internships

You can be confident that we are completely compliant with Fair Work Australia standards when you engage in an internship by First Job Australia. Furthermore, we maintain frequent contact with Fair Work Australia for foreign students and young professionals with regard to quality internship choices. For more information, please visit www.fairwork.gov.au.